Course Curriculum
Brain development
How can parents help?
Why do some kids talk more than others?
7 months-1 year (just to make sure these foundational skills are in place)
1-2 years
2-3 years
Speech, language, and hearing milestones, birth-1 year
Speech, Language, and Hearing milestones, 1-5 years
Talking tips to boost vocabulary
Impactful strategy to use throughout the day
How to help your toddler speak in phrases and sentences
How to help your toddler say longer phrases and sentences and support early literacy skills
Songs & Rhymes
Benefits & how to get your child involved/interested
Ways to increase participation
Time to stretch
I'm a big dump truck
I'm a superhero
Shapes song
Tick Tock
Construction song
I can hammer
Toast in the toaster
Snow on the rooftops
I dig, dig, dig
Popcorn song
This is the way
Thanksgiving / gratitude song
Right hand, left hand
Relax & take a breath
I'm an airplane
Goodbye train
Words to songs/rhymes
Pictures to go with songs & rhymes
Thank you!
Thank you & goodbye (please keep in touch!)
BONUS: Late Talker (Toddler isn't talking yet? I can help!)
Taking a step back from thinking about words
Strategies to use at home - "late talker"
Additional resources
References_toddler course
Words to songs & rhymes (to print)
My toddler has special needs, will this course help me?
I do not specifically address special needs in this class because each child’s speech and language needs are so individual. That said, if you want to learn songs & rhymes to sing with your child for fun and connection, it's a great option!
My child is bilingual, is this course a good option for me?
Absolutely! The strategies I teach in this course are great no matter how many, and no matter which languages your family speaks. Learn more about bilingualism and speech development here.
I'm not concerned about my child's talking, but I would love to learn more songs & rhymes. Is this a good course for me?
Yes! Many families take the course simply because they want to learn new, fun songs and rhymes to sing with their children that help prepare kids to learn to read down the road.
My toddler needs help with speaking more clearly, will this course teach me how to help them?
I do not talk about specific speech sounds in this course. I talk about common sound mistakes that toddler's make that are a part of typical development. I do not talk about speech sounds, because it's so individual to each child.
How long will it take me to complete the course?
The course is about 1.5 hours in total, but all of the lessons are broken up into short videos and you can learn at your own pace. Because there are so many fun new songs, a lot of students say they return to learn new songs again & again.